Ainsley Walden's art is a direct reflection of her love for the ocean
and the creatures it contains. From the Long Island Sound off Connecticut
where she grew up, to the dramatic California cost, to the deep blues
off Key Largo, Florida, to the calm gray of Washington's Puget Sound,
Ainsley has never strayed far from those aquatic borders that fascinate
and inspire her. |  |
In her pieces, one can see the shimmer and sparkle of broken light off
the waters. Metallic blues and greens blend with coppers and bronze, set
off by the occasional red or yellow, all change in light as though skipping
off the surface of waves. It is the Raku process, first developed in ancient
Japan, that brings life to clay for Ainsley. "I love the firing process,
and the surprises each one can bring" she says.
Ainsley is represented in galleries all over the United States from Alaska to Maine. She still enjoys displaying at art festivals, however,
where personal interaction draws the best from both customer and artist.
Continuing to expand on her work, she will introduce several new pieces
each year, deriving satisfaction from the opportunity to express herself
creatively in her chosen medium. As she says "I love clay and the
endless variety of pieces that come from it, maybe I'm just a kid at heart,
I still like playing in the mud!"